As a Concierge Physician, you care for patients who desire the unique professional attention only you can offer: attentive medical care with no rush to move from patient to patient and attention to medical needs in a compassionate and empathetic environment.
The relationship between a Concierge Physician and patient is special, creating a closeness and confidence that may not exist in a typical physician/patient relationship. While this may reduce the liklihood of medical malpractice suits, unfortunately no matter how competent and compassionate your services, you can be sued by patients. This is why every Concierge Physician should protect their practice and personal assets with Medical Malpractice Insurance coverage.
Contemporary Insurance Services developed a policy to provide top-notch protection of this sort, The Concierge Physician Professional Liability Policy. It is the only policy of its kind and is endorsed by the American Academy of Private Physicians. AAPP members receive a discount on this policy. The Concierge Physician Medical Malpractice Insurance program insures with highly-rated malpractice insurance companies with decades of experience defending malpractice claims.
See our
Concierge Physician brochure
for more information about this exciting AAPP-endorsed program.
Complete the form below for quick free quotes on Concierge Physicians Medical Malpractice Insurance policies. Don't wait. Start saving money now. You do not need to purchase "tail" insurance to switch companies. All of our companies provide retroactive coverage over previous companies.
Please answer all questions completely to assure that we can deliver a reliable premium indication. Our goal is to mail a malpractice insurance proposal within 10 days. View our privacy policy.